My Thoughts on Blogging


           Throughout my life, I have never really been someone who wrote for fun. Yes, I have put all my effort into the different papers I have been assigned in both high school and college, but I never really enjoyed it. There has been the occasional topic that has interested me more than others which made it easier to write about, but I was just never really a fan of writing in general. I always dreaded the papers I was assigned, and almost always procrastinated them until the last minute possible.  
            To be completely honest, when the semester began and I learned we had to write weekly blogs I was dreading it. However, as the semester progressed and I wrote my blogs on topics I chose and wanted to write about, I actually started to really enjoy it. I was able to find topics I was passionate about and write about them with my personal opinion. My topics included the newest NBA VR headsets, the new sunscreen ban in Florida, and of course, the well-known UNC vs. Duke basketball rivalry.
            If blogging, and the internet in general, had been around during Martin Luther Kings time, then I think that he and many others would have taken full advantage of it. I am sure that he would have written as much as he could to express his thoughts and opinions on all of the issues he found to be important. This would have been especially helpful for the people who wanted to hear him speak but were unable to attend a speech in person. He could have constantly updated people on his newest opinions and provided even more motivational thoughts than he did.
            I would recommend that all future students keep up with their blogs during the semester and do not wait until the last minute. There is always something in the news or a new interesting product being released that can be written about. It is so much easier to crank out a blog post once a week rather than to wait until the end and have to write all the blogs at once. If you stay on top of your blogs and constantly update with new ones, it will make the class much easier and less stressful at the final deadline.
            Overall, this class is very enjoyable and informative on all media history and current media trends. The blogs can be very fun if you let them be and pick topics you really want to write about. I am very happy I chose to take this class and am looking forward to taking Media Law & Ethics my senior year.
Thanks for reading :))

