The Road to Recovery...

Wells Fargo looks Outside the Box for a Fresh Face 
            To say Wells Fargo has been going through hard times lately would be an understand. After their big scandal of 2016, with hundreds of thousands of fake bank accounts being created using current customers personal information, they have been on constant damage control. Soon after the scandal first occurred, the then CEO of Wells Fargo was forced to step down in which Tim Sloan stepped up took his place.
 For the past two years since the scandal, Wells Fargo has been campaigning and rebuilding their brand to present themselves with a new brand image to customers as a trustworthy bank. They are trying to grow from who they were before the scandal and show customers that yes, they messed up, but they are working extremely hard to fix things and build the lost truck back. Millions of people were affected by the scandal, but not all of those millions left Wells after. Due to how hard they have been working at remodeling and rebranding their logo, they have had quite a bit of success leading to their stock increasing in the market.
Despite this success with their new “This is Wells Fargo” campaign which is primarily focused on rebuilding trust, Wells Faro CEO Tim Sloan stepped down at the end of this past March. This ended his thirty-one-year career at the bank and marked a sign of the end of all his work over the past two and a half years to help with the Scandal. Wells Fargo currently has an interim CEO, but are searching hard for a new CEO. They want a fresh face for their new CEO, someone who has not had any involvement with the company or the scandal. They are hoping that by bringing someone new into the company they will be able to steer themselves in an even better direction of change. This fresh start will hopefully look very good to the public and help improve their issues even more.
Click herto read more from the New York Times on Tim Sloan's step-down. 
