My Top Five News Sources

Fox News 
        I choose to watch Fox News so that I can get news from both sides of the news spectrum. In my opinion, many journalists have become very politically polarized so to get a clearer picture I feel the need to view different, reliable news outlets like Fox News. Fox is very on top of current events and is always fast to get live coverage of important events and breaking news. I enjoy the relevancy and fresh aspect of the news they produce.

        Growing up with a much older brother and a full on University of North Carolina Tar Heel family, I quickly became involved and interested with sports and the news surrounding them. Since I was young, ESPN has always been the go to channel to watch all UNC basketball and football games and to hear any updates on rankings and rivalries. Now that I am older, I have the ESPN app on my phone that I have programmed to give me news on the teams and players I am interested in along with other important updates. I really look forward to the notifications whether it's just about how many points Coby White scored in the last game or how Joel Berry broke his hand from punching a wall after losing a video game against one of his teammates.

Daily Mail
         Daily Mail is a news source I check for both news and entertainment. I view Daily Mail every day through Snapchat when I am on the app. It can provide anything from need to know information from the news to the latest outfits of the Kardashians. It is such an easy go-to news source for anyone, especially anyone who checks snapchat, for even if someone is not subscribed it still usually appears at the top of the explore page.

       I also use Twitter daily as a news source for both news and entertainment. While it is well known for its amusing tweets and celebrity feuds, it is also a great and quick way to see what important political figures are saying at the moment. Twitter has a "Discover" tab with News, Sports, and Entertainment where one can easily see the opinions of numerous people. I enjoy Twitter because I can follow the people and accounts I support and am interested in and I see what is on their minds and what's new with them.

E! News
       Personally, I am very interested in and very much enjoy hearing about Pop culture. I think that E! news is a very reliable, honest source to hear about what's new in different industries or with different famous people/families. They cover everything from the latest huge drama to the dresses worn at the Met Gala or other awards shows. While many people call this type of news "gossip" and may judge it, I enjoy listening to what feels like an "inside look" into the lives of today's famous people.
