How Large is My Online Footprint?

            Before being assigned this blog topic, I never really considered how big my online social presence was. For as long as I can remember I have been involved with some type of social media, I just never realized how many sites I was involved with until now. I have had a Twitter and Snapchat since 2012, and other accounts such as Tumblr and Instagram for quite some time.

            I have always looked forward to visiting those social media sites whether it be right after I got out of school or right before I went to bed. I just loved staying updated on what was going on in my friends lives, along with updating them with what was going on in mine. I have always been a public person, having personal information like my birthday posted for people to see on my different social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  I also have a LinkedIn, which has my personal email attached for anyone who may want to contact me.

            I think that social media can make some people very lonely, especially the people who live their life through a phone or some sort of technology where they spend most of their day look at Instagram or scrolling through Tumblr. It isolates them from the people around them when they let their world revolve around social media and everything that it entails.

            I have always enjoyed using social media, and will probably continue to enjoy using it for years to come. While I have stopped using some forms of social media, like Tumblr, I am sure certain sites, like Facebook, will stick with me as I continue to get older. This post really made me take into account how much of my personal information is out there in the world which is definitely going to make me scale back and make my own social media accounts more private.
Click here to read more on how important it is to be private and limited with your online presence. 
