Ted Talks

"How Revenge Porn Turns Lives Upside Down" by Darieth Chisolm 
             I decided to focus my blog post on the topic of “How Revenge Porn Turns Lives Upside Down” Ted Talk by Darieth Chisolm because of how interesting I found the information she was speaking on. I was extremely shocked by the information she revealed about how many people are affected by revenge porn. She stated that one in twenty-five women have been impacted by revenge porn, and for impacted women under the age of thirty the statistic is every one in ten women. I am also stunned for how little the crime is taken seriously, with revenge porn being known as only a misdemeanor in only thirty-eight states.
            Revenge poor has raised the suicide rate for women to 51%. It is absurd to me that people take cyber bullying so seriously in every situation, yet courts are putting women through hell with revenge porn cases. She stated, “isn’t the internet international” because there should be universal laws since it is which I found very interesting. No one deserves the embarrassment of having to go through so much to just protect their own cyber rights. It is important to promote how important personal privacy is, especially in situation like this when nudity is involved.
            Her story is very inspiring with how she is so focused on the future and who she needs to become after everything she has been through. I highly admire her support of anyone who has been abused online through the exposing of personal pictures and/or videos.
Click here to visit Darieth Chisolm's website and learn more about her story.
